Sunday 15 September 2024

5 Most Surprising Recruitment Stats in 2024!

What's the employment status in 2024? How's the work life balance and employee wellbeing? So many recruitment related questions must be triggering your curiosity but hold on, because the answer to these lies in stats that will awaken you! Check these latest recruitment stats in 2024!! 

1] Lack of Youth : People over 55 are expected to make up more than one quarter of the workforce by 2031.

2] Salary : More than 80% of the candidates want to know the salary by the end of their first conversation with a recruiter. 

3] Remote Work Craze : 40% of companies consider mentioning hybrid or in person requirements as the main reason for losing candidates. 

4] Brand Reputation Matters : 84% of candidates believe that a company's brand reputation influences their decisions. 

5] Virtual Recruitment : 70% of professionals agree that virtual recruitment will become the standard method. 

To get such useful insights about recruitment, follow AideWiser now! 

Comment if you have something to add!!

Thursday 12 September 2024

Which are the world's best employers?

Every organisation is busy making their workplace a heaven, but which out of these have made it to the top 10 best employers in the world? Check if your organisation has made it into the list! 

According to Forbes, these are the world's top 10 best employers in the world :-

1] Samsung
2] Microsoft
3] Alphabet
4] Apple 
5] Ferrari
6] IBM
7] Adobe 
8] Costco Wholesale
9] BMW Group 
10] Cisco Systems 

In order to attract top talent, companies need to offer an exciting and positive work environment. So make your first impression the best one, to sneak into this list!

To get such interesting recruitment insights, follow AideWiser!! 

Comment ❤ if you work in any of these!! 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Which are the peak hiring months in India?

When does the Indian job market experience peak hiring and job needs? Every recruiter and job seeker is curious to know this insight! Let's dive into the most awaited insights with a detailed view! 

In India, in the months of April to June, the major hiring activities are witnessed. A recent manpower survey indicates that India had the highest hiring sentiment globally for the April-June quarter, with 40% of employers planning to increase their workforce. Additionally, IT and e-commerce sectors show heightened activity during these peak periods. 

On the contrary, October to December tends to be quieter, as companies focus on wrapping up the fiscal year rather than expanding their teams. 

Therefore, plan a job search in these peak hiring months to increase the scope of winning your dream job! 

Be it a peak hiring month or a quiet hiring month, AideWiser can assist you in making your dream come true any time! So follow AideWiser for hiring needs! 

What has been your experience during these peak hiring months? Let us know in the comments!

Sunday 8 September 2024

Why is IT campus hiring at a two decade low?

The Indian IT sector, which was a dominant recruiter on campuses, shows drastic decline in campus hiring in recent years. Data highlights a steep drop in hiring, with only 250,000 graduates recruited in 2023 compared to 380,000 in 2022, marking a 34% decline. What has caused this slowdown affecting even the best universities known for their top placements? Before worrying about the chaos, let's analyse the significant causes behind this. 

IT campus hiring has hit a two decade low due to these major reasons :-

1] The Adoption of Generative AI and Automation : Technologies has led to a decreased need for entry-level jobs, forcing companies to prioritise experienced professionals over fresh graduates. 

2] Mass Layoffs : Large tech companies are looking to cut their operational costs with layoffs and job cuts. 

3] Global Scenario : Global economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions and recession signs in few countries have restricted company's hiring budgets. 

For relevant insights and recruitment updates, follow AideWiser! 

What do you think about this campus hiring decline? Let us know in the comments!

Friday 6 September 2024

Will the HR professionals be in high demand in future?

Recruitment continues to grow rapidly with automation and AI technology growing the efficiency and accuracy of the process. So, are the HRs at risk or will better opportunities change the fortune of HR professionals? Check these 3 key stats that will give you an idea about the future demand of HR professionals! 

1] Job Opportunities : Research highlights a projected 10% growth in HR roles by 2030, reflecting the increasing need for strategic HR leadership. 

2] Focus Shift : By 2030, 86% of HR tasks will be automated, freeing up professionals to focus on strategic work. 

3] Future Demand : Demand for HR professionals with skills in data analytics is set to rise by 60%, while roles focused on employee experience will see a 70% increase. 

To stay updated with relevant insights, follow AideWiser! 

What are your views about the future of HR professionals? Let us know in the comments!

Tuesday 3 September 2024

What are predictions about Tech Layoffs?

“Will I lose my job in the next layoff?”

A question that increases the heartbeat of every employee! As per a report, the tech industry is witnessing massive layoffs, with over 100,000 jobs affected. So, will your job be secured or will you be the next one to be fired? Let's visualise the future with these 3 key predictions about tech layoffs! 

1] Continued Layoffs : Economic uncertainty and high interest rates may drive more companies to reduce headcount.

2] Impact on Large Firms : Larger tech companies are more likely to undergo multiple rounds of layoffs due to their complex structures and significant overheads.

3] Stable Job Postings : Despite layoffs, job postings are expected to remain stable, offering hope to those seeking employment.

These predictions highlight a complex job market, offering both opportunities and challenges. 

To get relevant updates and insights about recruitment, follow AideWiser! 

What are your views about these predictions? Let us know in the comments! 

Sunday 1 September 2024

Significance of Skills in Recruitment in the 21st century!

Say goodbye to degrees and other papers that used to secure you a job in the past. Do you want to know why? Because skills have taken the centre stage in this 21st century by replacing the degrees. With a deeper view into this transformation, let's uncover the significance that skills have gained to become one of the primary criterias in the hiring process! 

At present, from IT sector to hospitality sector, HRs prioritise candidates who possess the required skills, practical abilities and resilience to tackle diverse scenarios at the workplace. Joining hands in this rapid shift, the digital age has also intensified this demand with technology growing at an astonishing level and creating demands of new skills. Along with technical skills, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are also in high demand, as they complement technical expertise. 

Master more and more skills to be the 21st century wizard!! 

To get relevant updates and insights about recruitment, follow AideWiser! 

Are skills more significant than degrees in the 21st century? Let us know in the comments!