Thursday 29 June 2023

No Shows! A squandered opportunity that eliminates applicants from consideration

You won't stand out if you don't show up. Attendance is necessary.

Candidates that fail to show up for scheduled interviews, evaluations, or other phases of the hiring process without prior warning or valid reasons are referred to as no shows. No-shows may be a huge burden for recruiters and employers, causing delays, wasting money, and disrupting the hiring process.

No-shows reflect poorly on the candidates' dependability and professionalism. Employers frequently set aside specified time periods for interviews or evaluations, and when candidates fail to show up, it can cause delays and issues in managing other candidates. Preparing for interviews, allocating interviewers' time, and coordinating logistics all necessitate resources on the part of the employer. When a candidate fails to appear, these resources become unused, reducing efficiency and production. No-shows create a bad impression on the employer.

Recruiters should take proactive initiatives to reduce the impact of no-shows. Send scheduled interviews to candidates through email or text message, giving the date, time, location and any required materials. Keep in touch with candidates on a frequent basis during the hiring process to keep them interested and committed. Stress the importance of prompt communication if the candidate has to reschedule or cancel.

Overall, it is of the utmost importance to address and minimise no-shows in recruitment in order to maintain an efficient and successful hiring process while giving a great candidate experience.

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Rescheduling Process! Simplification of process for increased adaptability and effectiveness

Rescheduling is a minor diversion on the path to identifying top talent in the world of recruitment.

A rescheduled interview may be required for a variety of reasons, including time constraints for the interviewer or the candidate, unforeseen occurrences, logistical issues, or changes to the recruitment calendar. The organisation contacts the individuals involved to inform them that a new appointment time is required. Recruiters frequently contact interview panel members or candidates to inquire about their availability for alternative dates and times once the need for rescheduling has been discovered. HR professionals should make sure that candidates are informed about the rescheduled interview, including the revised date, time, and location. As the new date approaches, keep track of the rescheduled appointments and send reminders to all parties involved.

But this procedure has a different significance when viewed from the standpoint of the candidate. Contact the employer or the designated contact as soon as you realise you need to reschedule. Use the right channel of communication, and give a courteous and succinct justification for the need to postpone. Provide a sincere and compelling justification for your need to reschedule. Describe a few possible times and dates when you'd be available for the new appointment. Ask for confirmation of the revised appointment time and date in a polite manner. It is always polite to send a thank-you note to show your appreciation for their patience and flexibility, regardless of the result or response.

While rescheduling is occasionally unavoidable, keep in mind that both the employer and the candidate's time is valuable.

Sunday 25 June 2023

Salary Negotiation! A vital element that determines what I contribute to the table.

 A fair compensation negotiation allows candidates to prosper and give all that they have to the firm.

Research the average compensation range for similar roles in your industry and location before engaging into negotiations. Examine your abilities, qualifications, experience, and accomplishments. Consider how you can contribute to the growth of the organisation and set yourself apart from other candidates. Based on your research and financial needs, determine the lowest pay you are willing to accept. Setting a range allows you greater flexibility during talks. Aim for a realistic range that is also in line with your market value.

To demonstrate your value to the company, emphasise your previous accomplishments and contributions during the negotiation process. Discuss how your talents and experiences connect with the goals and objectives of the firm. This will strengthen your standing and make your case for a bigger wage stronger. Take a confident and professional approach to pay negotiations. Keep your points clear and respectful throughout the process. Avoid using personal financial concerns as the major basis for requesting a raise. Instead, concentrate on the value you provide to the organisation and the market standards.

Pay attention to the viewpoint and issues raised by the employer. Pay close attention to their suggestion and any criticism they may have. By doing this, you may better comprehend their viewpoint and adjust your negotiation tactics accordingly. You can talk about chances for performance-based bonuses, pay evaluations that happen after a certain amount of time, more vacation days, or increasing responsibility that might result in a rise in pay down the road. Be open to novel ideas that can satisfy your demands.

Keep in mind that salary discussions are a two-way street. Both sides should be happy with the outcome.

Thursday 22 June 2023

HR Round! A talent acquisition assessment

The HR round is where potential meets opportunity, and our intent is to turn potential into excellence.

The HR (Human Resources) round is critical in the employment process. It usually takes place following the first screening of candidates and the technical or skills-based interviews. The HR round focuses on determining a candidate's fit for the organisation and the specific function for which they are being considered.

This round is designed to determine whether the candidate is a good fit for the organization's values, work environment, and business culture. This round is frequently used by HR experts to look into a candidate's prior experiences and behaviour in order to forecast their future performance. Candidates may be questioned about their accomplishments, struggles, and handling of challenging situations.

It can also provide an opportunity for the HR representative to learn about the candidate's compensation expectations or requirements. This information may be shared with the decision-makers or recruiting managers who are in charge of deciding on a job offer and negotiating the final salary package.

Remember, candidates should conduct market research on the position they are seeking for, examine their own expertise and skills, and be prepared to negotiate based on their worth. For the purpose of attracting and keeping talent, firms must consider the candidate's value to the organisation, budget limits, and the overall competitiveness of their compensation package.

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Client Round! Simplifying recruitment, amplifying results.

We sift through resumes so you don't have to.

The notion of a "client round" is frequently used in hiring process to describe a phase of the interview process where the candidate speaks with the client or the business for which they are being considered for employment directly. The applicant sends the recruiting organisation their application, which often consists of a resume and cover letter. Shortlisting applicants that match the fundamental requirements for the employment is done after the employing firm evaluates the applications that were submitted.

An interviewer from the hiring organisation or a recruiter conducts the phone or video interview. The candidate will have conversations with clients or representatives of the hiring organisation during the client round. When a recruitment agency is involved and serves as an intermediary between the client and the candidate, this stage is frequently encountered. If the candidate advances past the client round, they might have additional interviews with important stakeholders, like senior executives or department heads. Sometimes, the offer is rolled out after the single round of client interview. The recruiting employer may provide a job offer that includes information on pay, perks, and other conditions of employment. 

Remember, it's vital to keep in mind that each employer may have a different interview process, including different language.

Also, leave the hiring up to us kyunki,
Recruitment Matlab AideWiser

Sunday 18 June 2023

Operation And Technical Round! Unlocking talent potential for optimal hiring

Developing talent and skills for productive hiring and recruitment can be facilitated through numerous phases.

The interview round is done to ensure that the applicant has an adequate understanding of the industry in which he or she is seeking employment. This round tests the applicant's understanding of job-related processes, procedures, and best practises. The specific content of the company round may vary depending on the company and the nature of the job.

The goal of the technical round is to assess the applicant's technical knowledge and expertise in their area of specialisation. The technical round often consists of questions and problem-solving scenarios that assess technical expertise, problem-solving skills, programming skills, familiarity with relevant tools and technologies, and the ability to apply knowledge in practise.

Keep in mind that the form and content of the operational and technical rounds can vary widely by company and industry. Candidates should prepare by learning about the company, understanding the job requirement criteria, and brushing up on the skills and knowledge needed for the position.

Thursday 15 June 2023

General Round! A comprehensive hiring evaluation step

Finding applicants that are a good fit for a specific position is as vital as it seems.

A general round is a phase or stage in the hiring process where candidates go through a thorough assessment to determine their general appropriateness for the role. The specifics of a general round might vary based on the company and the position being filled, but it frequently consists of a mix of interviews, evaluations, and perhaps additional tests or exercises.

Candidates are often assessed on a range of criteria during a general round, including their abilities, credentials, experience, cultural fit, and potential for advancement within the business. The objective is to gain a thorough knowledge of the candidate's qualifications, drive, and suitability for the business.

These interviews are designed to evaluate the candidate's previous experiences, decision-making ability, problem-solving capabilities, and approach to teamwork and conflict resolution. During the general round, organisations frequently analyse a candidate's alignment with their values, mission, and business culture. This assessment assures that the candidate will thrive at work and contribute positively to team dynamics.

Lastly, the general round is usually held after the initial resume screening and may come before final interviews or job offers. It is an important stage in the selection process since it allows employers to compare and assess candidates in greater depth before making a final decision.

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Lining Up Interview! Aligning talent and opportunity

Coordinating interview schedules for the hiring process can be stressful.

The practise of organising and arranging interviews with potential candidates for a job opening is referred to as "lining up interviews". It entails organising the availability of both the hiring staff and the candidates in order to schedule interviews at a convenient moment.

In order to narrow down the pool of applicants who are qualified for the position, the hiring team evaluates resumes, application materials, and other pertinent data. The hiring staff contacts the shortlisted prospects to let them know what will happen next and to express interest in setting up an interview. To choose appropriate days and times for the interviews, the team consults with the candidates. This may involve working with several members of the hiring team and making accommodations for the candidates' schedules.

The team notifies the candidates of the interview details after a time slot has been selected, including the format, location, and any extra instructions or criteria. To make sure they are ready and available at the appointed time, the hiring staff and the candidates both mark the interview appointments on their calendars.

Remember, the hiring process can be sped up by effectively scheduling interviews, allowing employers to analyse prospects and make educated decisions on who to hire for the position.

Do tell me in the comments, what challenge do you face while scheduling an interview?

Sunday 11 June 2023

Sourcing! Strategic way to help you find the ideal people for your team.

Identifying and attracting potential candidates for job opportunities inside an organisation can be difficult.

In the context of recruitment, sourcing refers to the process of identifying and attracting possible individuals for job openings in a company.

It entails actively seeking qualified talent who should be a fit for various tasks. Sourcing is an important phase in the recruitment process since it contributes to the development of a pipeline of possible applicants and ensures a greater pool of talent to pick from. The purpose is to locate the best candidates possible for a certain post. Sourcers seek applicants who match the needed qualifications and skills via job boards, professional networking sites and other online platforms. 

They also use social networking sites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & so on, to find and interact with applicants. Furthermore, to locate potential recruits, sourcers rely on employee recommendations. Since referrals frequently come from highly motivated individuals and can help with cultural fit with the company.

Remember, in-depth comprehension of the job specifications, market trends, and the capacity to assess individuals' qualifications are necessary for effective sourcing.

Thursday 8 June 2023

Shortlisting! Simplifying the selection process for the best candidates

1. This candidate appears to be qualified.

2. Need for Improvement

3. Will make a decision on this 

Are you shortlisting candidates in this manner? If this is the case, you must halt.

Shortlisting is a critical phase in the hiring and recruitment process in which you assess the pool of applicants and pick a smaller group of candidates to advance in the selection process. Understand the job description and requirements thoroughly. Determine the primary credentials, abilities, and experience required for the position. This will be used as a guideline for evaluating prospects. Examine all candidates' resume and applications carefully. Look for applicable experience, education, abilities, and qualifications that match the employment criteria. 

Take note of accomplishments and outcomes. Aim to identify a manageable amount of candidates for the next stage of the selection process. This number will be determined by criteria such as the size of the candidate pool, the resources available for further screening, and the position's specific needs. Assess candidates for their potential cultural fit inside the organisation. Evaluate their values, work style, and team compatibility. Look for signs of alignment with your company's mission, beliefs, and work environment.

Remember that while shortlisting is an important step, it is not the ultimate decision. Shortlisted candidates will often move on to the following stage, which may include interviews, assessments, and reference checks in order to acquire more information and make the ultimate hiring choice.

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Telephonic Screening! Efficient way to narrow down the candidate pool

Hello, this is AideWiser SolTek speaking. Are you looking for the appropriate applicant for your organisation but don't want to spend too much time on it? Consider telephonic screening. 

Before inviting candidates for in-person interviews, the recruitment process frequently employs telephonic screening. It enables employers to learn more about candidates' credentials, competencies, and suitability for the job. Before the telephonic interview, thoroughly analyse candidates' resume and job application. Learn about their employment, experience, education, skills, and certifications. 

Concentrate on assessing candidates' core competencies required for the position. These may include problem-solving abilities, communication skills, teamwork, adaptability, leadership, or any other important skills particular to the profession.

Prepare a series of standardised questions to ask each candidate. This provides uniformity and allows a fair examination of all applicants. Customise the questions to the job requirements, and include inquiries about their experience, abilities, and related competencies. Summarise the telephone screening, express gratitude for the candidate's time, and advise them of the next stages in the hiring process. 

Before we hang up, I'd like to remind you that, Recruitment Matlab AideWiser.

Sunday 4 June 2023

Resume Screening! A comprehensive technique to assess candidates

There can't be anyone who hasn't heard of resume screening. But what precisely is it? 

Resume screening is an important phase in the hiring and recruitment process since it allows companies to analyse and evaluate candidates' qualifications and appropriateness for a specific employment opening. Create a standardised procedure to guarantee fairness and consistency. Making a checklist or score system to impartially examine resumes may be required. 

Clearly defining the relevant abilities, credentials, and experience for the position will help. This will assist you in developing a tailored screening procedure and ensuring that you focus on the most important criteria.

One might ascertain this by using signs like extracurricular activities, volunteer work, or interests listed on the resume. Pay close attention to the format, presentation, and overall organisation of the resume. Look for precision, readability, and clarity. Reviewing resumes with appropriate titles, bullet points, and consistent formatting is simpler.

Remember that screening resumes is only the first stage in the hiring process. After shortlisting individuals, you should undertake additional assessments like as interviews and reference checks to acquire more information and make educated hiring decisions.

Thursday 1 June 2023

Generating Database! Collect, Connect, and Organise

Building a robust candidate database for effective hiring is as important as it sounds!

Creating and maintaining a pool of potential candidates for future job openings inside an organisation is sometimes referred to as developing a database in the context of hiring and recruitment. This database, also known as a talent or candidate database, contains resumes, applications, and other pertinent information about people who have expressed an interest in working for the company or who have been actively sourced by recruiters.

Candidates often submit an application that contains their personal information, education, work experience, and any other relevant details while applying for a job. These applications can be sent through a variety of media, including online job boards, company websites, and email. Individual candidate profiles are often created using the information provided in the applications.

Resdex is a term used by the Indian job portal It refers to their resume database, which contains resumes provided by job searchers. These resumes are saved and indexed so that companies or recruiters can look for individuals based on certain criteria such as skills, experience, education, location, and so on. Resdex gives recruiters access to a large pool of individuals and identifies potential matches for job openings.

Remember, once created, the database can be used for a variety of recruitment reasons, including sourcing individuals, matching profiles to job criteria, conducting keyword-based searches, and managing candidate pipelines.