Thursday 22 June 2023

HR Round! A talent acquisition assessment

The HR round is where potential meets opportunity, and our intent is to turn potential into excellence.

The HR (Human Resources) round is critical in the employment process. It usually takes place following the first screening of candidates and the technical or skills-based interviews. The HR round focuses on determining a candidate's fit for the organisation and the specific function for which they are being considered.

This round is designed to determine whether the candidate is a good fit for the organization's values, work environment, and business culture. This round is frequently used by HR experts to look into a candidate's prior experiences and behaviour in order to forecast their future performance. Candidates may be questioned about their accomplishments, struggles, and handling of challenging situations.

It can also provide an opportunity for the HR representative to learn about the candidate's compensation expectations or requirements. This information may be shared with the decision-makers or recruiting managers who are in charge of deciding on a job offer and negotiating the final salary package.

Remember, candidates should conduct market research on the position they are seeking for, examine their own expertise and skills, and be prepared to negotiate based on their worth. For the purpose of attracting and keeping talent, firms must consider the candidate's value to the organisation, budget limits, and the overall competitiveness of their compensation package.