Tuesday 27 June 2023

Rescheduling Process! Simplification of process for increased adaptability and effectiveness

Rescheduling is a minor diversion on the path to identifying top talent in the world of recruitment.

A rescheduled interview may be required for a variety of reasons, including time constraints for the interviewer or the candidate, unforeseen occurrences, logistical issues, or changes to the recruitment calendar. The organisation contacts the individuals involved to inform them that a new appointment time is required. Recruiters frequently contact interview panel members or candidates to inquire about their availability for alternative dates and times once the need for rescheduling has been discovered. HR professionals should make sure that candidates are informed about the rescheduled interview, including the revised date, time, and location. As the new date approaches, keep track of the rescheduled appointments and send reminders to all parties involved.

But this procedure has a different significance when viewed from the standpoint of the candidate. Contact the employer or the designated contact as soon as you realise you need to reschedule. Use the right channel of communication, and give a courteous and succinct justification for the need to postpone. Provide a sincere and compelling justification for your need to reschedule. Describe a few possible times and dates when you'd be available for the new appointment. Ask for confirmation of the revised appointment time and date in a polite manner. It is always polite to send a thank-you note to show your appreciation for their patience and flexibility, regardless of the result or response.

While rescheduling is occasionally unavoidable, keep in mind that both the employer and the candidate's time is valuable.