Thursday 29 June 2023

No Shows! A squandered opportunity that eliminates applicants from consideration

You won't stand out if you don't show up. Attendance is necessary.

Candidates that fail to show up for scheduled interviews, evaluations, or other phases of the hiring process without prior warning or valid reasons are referred to as no shows. No-shows may be a huge burden for recruiters and employers, causing delays, wasting money, and disrupting the hiring process.

No-shows reflect poorly on the candidates' dependability and professionalism. Employers frequently set aside specified time periods for interviews or evaluations, and when candidates fail to show up, it can cause delays and issues in managing other candidates. Preparing for interviews, allocating interviewers' time, and coordinating logistics all necessitate resources on the part of the employer. When a candidate fails to appear, these resources become unused, reducing efficiency and production. No-shows create a bad impression on the employer.

Recruiters should take proactive initiatives to reduce the impact of no-shows. Send scheduled interviews to candidates through email or text message, giving the date, time, location and any required materials. Keep in touch with candidates on a frequent basis during the hiring process to keep them interested and committed. Stress the importance of prompt communication if the candidate has to reschedule or cancel.

Overall, it is of the utmost importance to address and minimise no-shows in recruitment in order to maintain an efficient and successful hiring process while giving a great candidate experience.