Monday, 30 December 2024

How a single hiring decision changed Google's fortune?

When hearing about google, the popular names that come to mind must be Larry Page, Sundar Pichai or Sergey Brin but you're wrong. In 2000, Google's founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, interviewed Eric Schmidt for the CEO position. Schmidt was initially reluctant to leave his executive role at Novell. This interview changed the future of google as the contribution of this person led to astonishing progress! 

Both the founders tested Eric's technical knowledge and they realised his potential instantly! They made him an offer and he joined the firm as CEO. Under his leadership, Google touched new heights by launching valuable products like Gmail, Google Maps and Android. This single hire became one of the biggest turning points in Google's journey to dominance! 

A decision holds immense value of either building an empire overnight or destroying it within a blink! The type of decision you take matters! 

For game changing hiring decisions, contact AideWiser!! 

What's the best decision in your recruitment journey? Drop your experience in the comments! 

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

How to Avoid Recruitment Frauds?

In 2023 alone, recruitment frauds surged by 47%, so if you think you're safe, think again! The hunt for perfect jobs and the madness to go to any extent for that is sufficient for scammers to lure candidates into their traps. From fake job offers to ‘interviews’ on WhatsApp, fraudsters are playing all their cards. 

So how do you prevent recruitment frauds? Firstly, never trust a recruiter who demands money upfront, unless you’re paying them to find a job. Secondly, check the company's website and verify the position. A real recruiter won't hide behind vague emails and random phone calls. Lastly, trust your instincts, if you feel something suspicious, then it's probably a fraud! 

But why not take the risk? Who wouldn't want to work for an enterprise that only exists on LinkedIn!! 

Choose AideWise for 100% real and secured recruitment process. 

Did you ever fall for a fake job offer? Share your experience in the comments! 

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Insights that will Make you Smarter as a Recruiter : Part 3

Recruitment isn't like dating on tinder, swiping right and left to hire. It's all about decoding insights and scouting for real potential! Do you know what the candidate thinks? Check the insights to get in their minds! 

1] 63% of candidates feel flattered when recruiters reach out to them. But 56% are more likely to respond if hiring managers contact them. Don't hesitate to reach out first! 

2] 90% candidates are open to exploring new opportunities because deep down they know they aren't at the right place! 

3] Top 3 things that candidates want from an interview are conversation with the leadership team, prompt follow up and an overview of their performance. 

4] 65% of candidates lose interest due to poor interview experience. 

5] Unsatisfying compensation is the most common reason for job change. 

If your recruitment relies on ‘Hope and Pray’ then we suggest replacing that with ‘Execute and Slay’!! 

Contact AideWiser to execute the dream plan for your hiring game! 

Do you check candidates’ perspectives while hiring? 

Monday, 16 December 2024

Insights that will Make you Smarter as a Recruiter : Part 2

What's your plan to ace the recruitment matchmaking? Hope the plan is not like,“How can we prevent ghosting?” Dive into stats to solve your recruitment riddles! 

1] 92% of candidates would consider leaving their job for better company culture. Is your company culture flexible? 

2] 47% of rejected candidates would reapply if given feedback. Are you ghosting them? 

3] 86% of candidates expect regular updates during the hiring process. Don't leave them hanging like your slow hiring decisions. 

4] 50% of candidates ghost recruiters post interviews. Maybe they got something better! 

5] 79% of job seekers use social media platforms for job search, maybe your next hire is in your feed! 

Don't let your hiring process become like a 2G network, outdated and slow! 

Hire smarter and better with AideWiser, contact us now!! 

Did you know any of these insights? 

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Insights that will Make you Smarter as a Recruiter : Part 1

Why to browse for recruitment tips, when we can serve you the best recruitment insights! Read the stats and become a real recruiter!

1] 54% of recruiters believe lack of soft skills is the biggest hiring challenge! 

2] 73% of job seekers rely on company reviews before applying! So are your reviews recruitment friendly? 

3] Almost 85% of jobs are filled through networking, not online ads. 

4] Recruiters using analytics improve hiring by 30%. Stop guessing, start analysing! 

5] As per studies, the best time to contact candidates is midweek mornings. Timing matters! 

If you are still relying on newspaper ads, it's time to Google, ‘‘How to hire in 2024?’’

To stay updated with recruitment insights, follow AideWiser!

Which insight was most shocking for you? 

Monday, 9 December 2024

Does a Single Bad Hire Affect the Whole Team?

Does a bad hire affect the entire team? A bad hire can be like an over-salted dish that ruins the whole meal. A bad hire undoubtedly spoils the budget, but is the impact more brutal than this? Let's explore! 

A bad hire means missed deadlines, poor productivity and the entire team just goes blank. As per stats, a single toxic employee can lower productivity by 30% and raise turnover rate by 48%. What's the price? Wasted efforts, lost morale, a disturbed workplace and a disappointing exit email is the real cost paid by the company. 

So what's the solution? It's simple, hire the right talent without any compromises! At AideWiser, we are not just recruiters but your safety shield that prevents the bad hires from entering your organisation and causing chaos! Contact us now! 

What's your worst hiring horror story? Share it in the comments! 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Neither Underestimate, nor Overestimate your Capabilities!

Do you know who's your biggest competitor in the job market? It's your own perception of yourself! Overconfidence is like wearing sunglasses at night, you think you're cool but you're blind to reality. On the contrary, underestimating yourself is like entering a marathon and giving up at the starting point assuming you can't win. So what exactly to do? Let's find out! 

A LinkedIn survey revealed that 85% of professionals feel they're underqualified whereas 70% of hiring managers think candidates oversell themselves. See the contradiction? The best solution is to know your capabilities by analysing your skills, efficiency, strengths and weaknesses. Confidence comes from clarity, not chaos! 

So are you ready to match your capabilities with the right opportunities? Choose Aidewiser, the best matchmaker in recruitment! Follow us for relevant hiring hacks and career insights. 

Are you underestimating or overestimating yourself? Eager to hear your views!

Monday, 2 December 2024

Big Names don't Define Reality!

Have you ever walked to a famous cafe just to sip an average coffee? Big names don't always serve big value. According to a Forbes report, 70% of customers are unsatisfied with brand giants despite their massive marketing campaigns. So is that well polished reputation just a funded mirage? 

Imagine it's about hiring, so a fortune 500 logo doesn't guarantee quality candidates and services. Surprisingly, smaller players bring sharper insights, personalised solutions and dedication that big companies lack. The true magic lies in those who don't just work for reputation but for results! 

A big name might look good on paper, but don't let it influence your judgment. The most expensive wine on the table may not necessarily be the best one! 

Are you looking for hiring driven by results? Then, choose AideWiser for efficient recruitment services! Contact us now! 

What's more important to you, branding or results?