Sunday 13 October 2024

How Essential is Gender Equality in Recruitment?

While companies continue to preach about gender equality, do the job descriptions contradict by preferring males? In 2023, 45% of employers still admitted to gender bias in recruitment. Why is gender equality not just a need but a necessity in recruitment? 

In order to maximise the potential, talent and creativity of the team, gender equality is essential. Diversity adds layers of perspective, leading to better ideas, innovation and outcomes. According to McKinsey, companies with gender-diverse teams are 25% more likely to achieve above-average profitability. 

It's time to focus on merit, not gender. Only gender equality in recruitment can assist in producing an effective talent pool in this 21st century! 

Choose AideWiser as your recruitment partner if you wish to explore the recruitment that eliminates gender labels. 

What's one reason a gender balanced team outperforms other teams? Let us know in the comments! 

Thursday 10 October 2024

3 Best Employment Policies for Women in India!

Over the years, females have proven their essence at the workplace with their natural multitasking and pressure handling abilities along with emotional intelligence. They emerge as the captain leading the team at the workplace! So don't they deserve the needed assistance? Let's check 3 best employment policies for women in India!! 

1] Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act, 2017 : This act extended maternity leave from 12 to 26 weeks, allowing women to balance work and family life effectively. As of 2020, nearly 60% of Indian women returned to work after maternity leave, indicating its positive impact. 

2] Equal Pay Rights : The right to equal pay ensures that women receive the same pay as men for the same tasks.

3] Skill India Initiative : Launched in 2015, this initiative aims to empower women through vocational training, enabling them to acquire skills and enhance employability.

Follow AideWiser for such insightful updates that can benefit you! 

What other schemes do you wish to have for females? Let us know in the comments! 

Tuesday 8 October 2024

What's the Employment Status in India?

Economy expands, the population surges but why do so many people still find their pockets empty? Before you rush to job portals for opportunities, take a moment to explore these key insights presenting the employment status in India :-

1] Unemployment Rate : The youth unemployment rate stands at 10.2%, with 9.8% and 11% respectively for males and females. 

2] Employment Type : 57.3% of the workforce is self-employed, with 20.9% in regular salaried jobs and 21.8% are casual labourers. 

3] Employment Sectors : 45% of the workforce is employed in agriculture, 28.9% in services, 13% in construction and 11.4% in manufacturing. 

4] Labour Participation Rate (LPR) : The labour participation rate rose to 41.4% in June 2024, but unemployment in rural areas spiked to 9.3%.

5] Urban Unemployment Rate : Urban unemployment increased from 8.6% to 8.9%, making city life no picnic either.

To stay updated with such useful recruitment insights, follow AideWiser now!

How do you see the future of employment in India? Let us know in the comments! 

Sunday 6 October 2024

Why are Employers Struggling to Recruit and Retain Talent in India?

Recruiting in India today feels almost like winning a lucky draw as it has become rare, elusive, and often a game of chance. 

In reality, a staggering one-third of employers are facing serious challenges in recruiting and retaining talent. The reasons behind this alarming trend are as complex as they are numerous, pointing towards the following issues in the market :-

1] Salary Discrepancies : Candidates often seek compensation packages that outpace industry standards, leading to a mismatch between expectations and offers.

2] Declining Active Job Seekers : A decline in active job seekers, partially due to the rise of freelance work and exposure to better income sources, has reduced the talent pool.

3] Rising Inflation : This causes an increase in expenses due to which instead of staying at a company for a long term, candidates prefer to constantly look for better opportunities. 

Despite this struggle, we offer the best recruitment services at AideWiser, contact us now to capture the top talent! 

Comment solutions to this recruitment and retention struggle in India! 

Thursday 3 October 2024

Is the Space Sector Facing a Recruitment Challenge?

“Global space economy is forecast to exceed $1 trillion by 2040.”

Sounds as if the space sector will boom in the upcoming time but recruitment challenges stand as a major obstacle affecting the growth of the space sector. So is the space sector missing the right talent? Let's find out the struggle of the space sector in recruitment! 

The space sector is experiencing significant recruitment challenges, driven by the rapid growth of space exploration and innovation. According to industry reports, there's a shortage of qualified engineers, data scientists, and cybersecurity experts, crucial for space missions. Attracting new talent is hindered by a lack of space related university programs and insufficient awareness among young professionals. 

This demand portrays an urgent need for educational reforms in order to produce the future scientists! 

For such insightful recruitment updates, follow AideWiser! 

Do you think the space sector will achieve that $1 trillion milestone by 2040? Let us know in the comments! 

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Top 5 Indian IT Firms to go on a talent hunt in FY25!

FY24 passed with massive layoffs but FY25 seems to bring surprises and opportunities turning into a hiring fest. Astonishingly, 5 Indian IT firms will probably go on a hiring spree, targeting the freshers! Let's dive into the details and reveal the number of freshers that will be hired by these tech giants! 

A staggering 88,000 freshers are expected to join the industry out of which, 

—) Leading the charge, TCS will onboard a whopping 40,000 freshers!! 
—) Infosys is expected to join the hiring spree by hiring around 15,000-20,000 freshers
—) Wipro is aiming to hire 10,000-12,000 freshers
—) Followed by Wipro, HCLTech and Tech Mahindra will have 10,000 and 6,000 vacancies respectively for freshers. 

The Indian tech industry will finally bounce back after a prolonged cold phase, reviving the hopes of aspiring techies! 

For such insightful recruitment updates, follow AideWiser! 

Comment the name of the company you are looking to apply for!

Sunday 29 September 2024

Is Recruitment at Agencies Becoming More Challenging?

Recruitment in agencies is like a constant puzzle! The moment you think that all the pieces are set, suddenly something happens and the entire process restarts. 

But why is recruitment at agencies becoming more challenging? We have found out 3 key factors causing this headache! 

1] High Demand : A rapid surge in the demand for top talent due to expanding organisations and industries. 

2] Candidate Expectations : The mindset of younger employees is evolving as they want a job that suits their lifestyle. 

3] Client Expectations : For specialised roles, immense demands from clients about skills and qualifications also reduce the probability of finding the right fit. 

The complexity in talent acquisition may increase the overall expense in future, creating more challenges. 

If you are struggling to hire, AideWiser can end your recruitment drought by delivering the top talent! 

Comment your views about solutions to these challenges!! 

Thursday 26 September 2024

Challenges in Hiring Freshers in the Manufacturing Industry!

“Lack of technical skills and missing soft skills shrinks the talent pool of the manufacturing industry!”

A line that will summarise the struggle of the manufacturing industry in hiring freshers. I wonder, what exactly is not working for the manufacturing sector? 

Let's quickly check out 3 key causes behind these challenges! 

1] Less Preferred Industry : As per a Deloitte research, 45% respondents have a negative perception towards the manufacturing jobs. 

2] Skill Gap : Since job training is the only way to obtain proficiency in manufacturing, the skill gap stands as a critical challenge. 

3] Lack of Experience : Many freshers lack hands-on experience with advanced machinery, automation, and other technologies critical for modern manufacturing. 

Collaborative efforts from educational institutes and industry leaders to align the educational content with real world needs can uplift the industry. 

Be it for manufacturing or any other sector, AideWiser can deliver the top talent for you! Contact us now!

How do you visualise the future of the manufacturing industry? Let us know in the comments! 

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Impact of Hybrid Model on Manufacturing Industry!

Is the hybrid work model transforming the manufacturing industry? With the young talent increasingly drawn towards a flexible work lifestyle, will the manufacturing industry manage to meet these demands and secure top talent? The stats and insights will reveal the real picture! 

Unlike other sectors, manufacturing remains largely site-based due to its specific nature of work and requirement of in-person presence for operations. However, the emerging talent is mainly prioritising opportunities offering flexibility, making hybrid and remote models their top preference. On one hand, administrative and planning positions in manufacturing are predicted to enjoy the benefits of the modern work models as their tasks don't specifically require in-person presence. On the contrary, other roles may not experience the benefits due to the unsuitable nature of their work.

Offering flexibility for non-operational roles can keep companies alive in the talent market! 

For such insightful recruitment updates, follow AideWiser! 

Comment about the type of work model you prefer!! 

Sunday 22 September 2024

What Challenges Do Skill-First Approaches Have?

Skill-First Approach is becoming the priority in recruitment but what challenges about this approach concern the experts? Revealing the key challenges that stand as an obstacle in the path of this approach!! 

1] Resistance to Change : Traditional hiring practices still remain deeply entrenched in many industries. 

2] Cultural Resistance : Organisations face push back from employees reluctant to welcome this new approach due to ambiguity about its accuracy. 

3] Limited Infrastructure : At present, companies lack the required tools to accurately measure and validate skills. 

4] Bias in Skill Assessment : Technology may still cause biases due to lack of accuracy, impacting fair evaluations. 

5] Training Gaps : Upskilling efforts fail to meet the evolving demands of the workforce leading to training gaps. 

Despite these obstacles, the Skill-First hiring approach shows potential to transform recruitment by broadening the talent pool and prioritising skills to boost efficiency! 

For relevant strategies and recruitment needs, follow AideWiser! 

Comment ✅ if you see Skill-First approach as the future of recruitment! 

Thursday 19 September 2024

Best Strategies to Reduce Employee Turnover Rate!

Is your team lacking the long term most valuable players? Are the frequent employee turnovers destroying your ambitions of building the best team? We have discovered the best strategies to reduce employee turnover rate! 

1] Offer Perks & Compensations : Employees stay when they are offered the compensations they deserve and desire for. 

2] Foster Positive Environment : An appealing and strong culture boosts engagement and retention by up to 30%.

3] Provide Career Development Opportunities : As per linkedIn, 94% of employees would stay longer if employers invest in their learning. 

4] Promote Work-Life Balance : Offering flexible schedules and valuing employee's personal time reduces turnover by 25%.

5] Appreciate Efforts : Frequently appreciating efforts with rewards and recognition can motivate them to stay committed to the organisation. 

Take care of your employees, in return they will take care of your balance sheet! 

To not miss out such amazing recruitment strategies, follow AideWiser! 

Comment down the strategy that you feel is the most effective one!

Tuesday 17 September 2024

5 Key Reasons Behind Candidate Decline!

“I reject your job offer due to………..!”

As an employer, this statement must be heart breaking, isn't it? But have you ever tried to take a peek at the other side of the picture? These are the 5 key causes behind rejection from candidate :-

1] Salary Mismatch : 67% of candidates decline offers when they fail to meet salary expectations and industry standards. 

2] Better Opportunities Available : Other offers provide a comparatively better package and work culture which is why 49% prefer offers with better growth prospects. 

3] Work Life Imbalance : 33% of candidates reject offers due to excessive demands and conditions that may be threatening personal time and well being.  

4] Slow Hiring Process : 23% of candidates lose interest due to a lengthy and slow hiring process. 

5] Culture Misalignment : 25% candidates turn down roles that don't align with their values and ideologies. 

Offering a complete package that offers all these elements, can assist you in bagging the top talent! 

For such authentic recruitment insights, follow AideWiser! 

Comment down the reason that you have used the most!

Sunday 15 September 2024

5 Most Surprising Recruitment Stats in 2024!

What's the employment status in 2024? How's the work life balance and employee wellbeing? So many recruitment related questions must be triggering your curiosity but hold on, because the answer to these lies in stats that will awaken you! Check these latest recruitment stats in 2024!! 

1] Lack of Youth : People over 55 are expected to make up more than one quarter of the workforce by 2031.

2] Salary : More than 80% of the candidates want to know the salary by the end of their first conversation with a recruiter. 

3] Remote Work Craze : 40% of companies consider mentioning hybrid or in person requirements as the main reason for losing candidates. 

4] Brand Reputation Matters : 84% of candidates believe that a company's brand reputation influences their decisions. 

5] Virtual Recruitment : 70% of professionals agree that virtual recruitment will become the standard method. 

To get such useful insights about recruitment, follow AideWiser now! 

Comment if you have something to add!!

Thursday 12 September 2024

Which are the world's best employers?

Every organisation is busy making their workplace a heaven, but which out of these have made it to the top 10 best employers in the world? Check if your organisation has made it into the list! 

According to Forbes, these are the world's top 10 best employers in the world :-

1] Samsung
2] Microsoft
3] Alphabet
4] Apple 
5] Ferrari
6] IBM
7] Adobe 
8] Costco Wholesale
9] BMW Group 
10] Cisco Systems 

In order to attract top talent, companies need to offer an exciting and positive work environment. So make your first impression the best one, to sneak into this list!

To get such interesting recruitment insights, follow AideWiser!! 

Comment ❤ if you work in any of these!! 

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Which are the peak hiring months in India?

When does the Indian job market experience peak hiring and job needs? Every recruiter and job seeker is curious to know this insight! Let's dive into the most awaited insights with a detailed view! 

In India, in the months of April to June, the major hiring activities are witnessed. A recent manpower survey indicates that India had the highest hiring sentiment globally for the April-June quarter, with 40% of employers planning to increase their workforce. Additionally, IT and e-commerce sectors show heightened activity during these peak periods. 

On the contrary, October to December tends to be quieter, as companies focus on wrapping up the fiscal year rather than expanding their teams. 

Therefore, plan a job search in these peak hiring months to increase the scope of winning your dream job! 

Be it a peak hiring month or a quiet hiring month, AideWiser can assist you in making your dream come true any time! So follow AideWiser for hiring needs! 

What has been your experience during these peak hiring months? Let us know in the comments!

Sunday 8 September 2024

Why is IT campus hiring at a two decade low?

The Indian IT sector, which was a dominant recruiter on campuses, shows drastic decline in campus hiring in recent years. Data highlights a steep drop in hiring, with only 250,000 graduates recruited in 2023 compared to 380,000 in 2022, marking a 34% decline. What has caused this slowdown affecting even the best universities known for their top placements? Before worrying about the chaos, let's analyse the significant causes behind this. 

IT campus hiring has hit a two decade low due to these major reasons :-

1] The Adoption of Generative AI and Automation : Technologies has led to a decreased need for entry-level jobs, forcing companies to prioritise experienced professionals over fresh graduates. 

2] Mass Layoffs : Large tech companies are looking to cut their operational costs with layoffs and job cuts. 

3] Global Scenario : Global economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions and recession signs in few countries have restricted company's hiring budgets. 

For relevant insights and recruitment updates, follow AideWiser! 

What do you think about this campus hiring decline? Let us know in the comments!

Friday 6 September 2024

Will the HR professionals be in high demand in future?

Recruitment continues to grow rapidly with automation and AI technology growing the efficiency and accuracy of the process. So, are the HRs at risk or will better opportunities change the fortune of HR professionals? Check these 3 key stats that will give you an idea about the future demand of HR professionals! 

1] Job Opportunities : Research highlights a projected 10% growth in HR roles by 2030, reflecting the increasing need for strategic HR leadership. 

2] Focus Shift : By 2030, 86% of HR tasks will be automated, freeing up professionals to focus on strategic work. 

3] Future Demand : Demand for HR professionals with skills in data analytics is set to rise by 60%, while roles focused on employee experience will see a 70% increase. 

To stay updated with relevant insights, follow AideWiser! 

What are your views about the future of HR professionals? Let us know in the comments!

Tuesday 3 September 2024

What are predictions about Tech Layoffs?

“Will I lose my job in the next layoff?”

A question that increases the heartbeat of every employee! As per a report, the tech industry is witnessing massive layoffs, with over 100,000 jobs affected. So, will your job be secured or will you be the next one to be fired? Let's visualise the future with these 3 key predictions about tech layoffs! 

1] Continued Layoffs : Economic uncertainty and high interest rates may drive more companies to reduce headcount.

2] Impact on Large Firms : Larger tech companies are more likely to undergo multiple rounds of layoffs due to their complex structures and significant overheads.

3] Stable Job Postings : Despite layoffs, job postings are expected to remain stable, offering hope to those seeking employment.

These predictions highlight a complex job market, offering both opportunities and challenges. 

To get relevant updates and insights about recruitment, follow AideWiser! 

What are your views about these predictions? Let us know in the comments! 

Sunday 1 September 2024

Significance of Skills in Recruitment in the 21st century!

Say goodbye to degrees and other papers that used to secure you a job in the past. Do you want to know why? Because skills have taken the centre stage in this 21st century by replacing the degrees. With a deeper view into this transformation, let's uncover the significance that skills have gained to become one of the primary criterias in the hiring process! 

At present, from IT sector to hospitality sector, HRs prioritise candidates who possess the required skills, practical abilities and resilience to tackle diverse scenarios at the workplace. Joining hands in this rapid shift, the digital age has also intensified this demand with technology growing at an astonishing level and creating demands of new skills. Along with technical skills, soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are also in high demand, as they complement technical expertise. 

Master more and more skills to be the 21st century wizard!! 

To get relevant updates and insights about recruitment, follow AideWiser! 

Are skills more significant than degrees in the 21st century? Let us know in the comments! 

Thursday 29 August 2024

What's the Role of Hiring Researchers in Recruitment?

Is research the backbone of recruitment? How do hiring researchers contribute to the recruitment process? Lets understand the role of hiring researchers through an insightful view! 

Hiring researchers play a vital role in the modern recruitment by bridging the gap between the talent and organisational needs. They conduct thorough research with the help of surveys and assessments to analyse candidate pool and conclude the most suitable candidates backed by data driven decisions. Unlike standard recruiters, researchers stress on market trends, skill gaps and competitor analysis ensuring a proactive and strategic recruitment. Their expertise in sourcing passive candidates can uncover the hidden gems that might otherwise be overlooked. 

Summarising the role of a researcher in recruitment, we can consider them as scanning experts who scrutinise data and other sources of information to go all out in the hiring process and deliver the top talent! 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

Do you think the researchers play the most crucial role in hiring? Let us know in the comments!