Monday, 24 February 2025

3 things a recruiter should never forget to ask….. 😏

Recruitment is mainly about the right questions, no matter how vague or general answers you receive!! Usually, this is how a boring interview goes like.. 

Me : Tell me about yourself. 
Candidate : I'm a dynamic person with excellent multitasking skills. 
(Me in my mind : Here we go again 🥱) 

Me : Why do you want this role? 
Candidate : I'm passionate about growth and looking for new challenges. 

My tolerance was over, but I still asked one more question, “What's your biggest weakness?”

He answered, “I work too hard and care too much!”

I was like (Got your enthusiasm and humour, but where's the honesty and reality) 

Hence, don't forget to ask these 3 questions? 😅

1] Do you know what this company does?
2] Can you give an answer that’s not a cliché?
3] Are you actually awake right now?

Would you try this? 😅