Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Deja Vuuu : How small the world is??

You all would be astonished to hear about this coincidence! There was a role of technical recruiter in Nagpur - super niche, with a long list of skills and criteria that would make anyone’s head spin. 

I scrolled through resumes, swiped various profiles, browsed my network but couldn't find the right fit! Finally after endless searching, I found one candidate who ticked all the boxes. It seemed like match made in recruitment heaven 😅. 

Her resume wasn't updated so I dialed her optimistically, “Hi! This is the role, and your profile matches perfectly….”

She listened and calmly asked, “Ok. Interesting but what's the company name?”

I shared with her the name of that client. Then she replied, “Oh! That’s my previous company. I left that role, and now you're trying to find my replacement!” 

Mic Drop!!!!!!..... 

Her auraaaa++++++ after this was…….😅

I was stunned, but since her resume wasn't updated, the previous company mentioned in it was different. 

I realised that next time onwards, I should check the company's alumni list before pitching a role!! 🥲

Has such a coincidence happened to you? Keen to hear!!