Monday, 3 March 2025

Ringing… Ringing… Ringing… spam?

We all ignore unknown calls because who wants to discuss urgent loan offers or win a fake lottery, right? 

But what if I tell you that an unknown call could be the life changing one? A candidate kept receiving calls from an unknown US number for a month. The candidate ignored them all, assuming it was spam. 

Later it turns out, it was Amazon's recruitment team! When he finally realised, he tried calling back, only to get a “call not monitored” message and lose a rupee as a fee. Peak comedy of blunders and blunders… 

The candidate must have realised : Rejecting an unknown caller too fast could cost losing a dream job….. Opportunity could pop out at any time like relatives in weddings, be ready! 

Did you miss any call that could have changed the fortune for you?