Monday, 10 February 2025

Rejection ; not the end! 🥲

Most of the people would know about the Honda Motor Company but how did it start? You need to know the backstory filled with obstacles, uncertainties and failures. 

At 15, ambitious Soichiro Honda left his small town, dreaming of working for Toyota despite having no formal education.

He was developing engine piston rings at his workshop where he spent most of the time working on his dream. Sold jewellery, slept in his workshop and finally completed piston rings. He took them to Toyota but was rejected due to lack of required quality! Give up? Nooo!

Soichiro Honda studied more in technical school to perfect his designs, eventually securing a contract, but he needed a factory. Just as he built one, war struck, bombing it twice and leaving him without steel to rebuild. Yet, instead of giving up, he found solutions and kept chasing his dream.

He started crafting motorised bicycles in a tiny workshop, pouring every ounce of passion into his work. Soon, those bicycles became motorcycles. Then cars. And before the world knew it, Honda wasn’t collaborating with Toyota, instead he was competing with them. 

What are your thoughts on this inspiring story?