Thursday 29 August 2024

What's the Role of Hiring Researchers in Recruitment?

Is research the backbone of recruitment? How do hiring researchers contribute to the recruitment process? Lets understand the role of hiring researchers through an insightful view! 

Hiring researchers play a vital role in the modern recruitment by bridging the gap between the talent and organisational needs. They conduct thorough research with the help of surveys and assessments to analyse candidate pool and conclude the most suitable candidates backed by data driven decisions. Unlike standard recruiters, researchers stress on market trends, skill gaps and competitor analysis ensuring a proactive and strategic recruitment. Their expertise in sourcing passive candidates can uncover the hidden gems that might otherwise be overlooked. 

Summarising the role of a researcher in recruitment, we can consider them as scanning experts who scrutinise data and other sources of information to go all out in the hiring process and deliver the top talent! 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

Do you think the researchers play the most crucial role in hiring? Let us know in the comments!

Tuesday 27 August 2024

5 Rare & Unheard Recruitment practices from around the world!

Are you aware of these crazy recruitment practices? If you are curious to explore the astonishing recruitment hacks that go beyond the books and ordinary theories, then let us take you through the 5 rarest recruitment practices from around the world!! 

1] Physical/Mental Tests : In Argentina, medical and psychological tests are conducted to protect candidates from mental and physical illnesses at the workplace. 

2] Handwriting Assessment : Approximately, 50%-80% French firms analyse candidates’ handwriting to decode their personalities. 

3] Job Interest Secrecy : Candidates in Japan are often secretive about their job interests which is why telephonic interviews aren't common in Japan. Thus, secret face to face meetings are preferred over there. 

4] Personal Picture : Traditionally, German recruiters would demand a professional photo of candidates on their CVs to predict their personalities, before an anti-discrimination law was passed in 2006.

5] Informal Interviews : Interviews in Denmark often start off with a cup of coffee/tea and a chat about candidates’ personal life to make the candidates comfortable. 

Follow AideWiser to discover the hidden recruitment practices!!

Do you know any other unheard recruitment practices? Let us know in the comments! 

Sunday 25 August 2024

5 Global Talent Acquisition Strategies!

Are you eager to enter the global talent acquisition race? Still browsing for the strategies to conquer global recruitment? Your search ends here because we have found 5 best global talent acquisition strategies for you!! Let's explore! 

1] Regional Markets Knowledge : Understand and analyse the recruitment markets of different regions to interpret the type of candidates and their skills. 

2] Employer Branding : An attractive global image can grab the attention of candidates across the globe effortlessly. 

3] Strategic Partnerships : Collaborate with local institutions, universities, and agencies to tap into the regional talent pool effectively.

4] Global Mobility Programs : Develop programs that facilitate the movement of employees across borders, promoting knowledge exchange.

5] Remote Hiring Capabilities : Optimise technology to conduct remote interviews and hiring processes, tackling the distance barrier. 

Bet on these strategies and become the next global enterprise! 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

Which strategies have you implemented? Let us know in the comments!

Thursday 22 August 2024

What are the key insights about the Female Workforce?

What's the current status of the female workforce? Let's find out the status with 5 key insights!! 

1] Women in Leadership : The representation of women in the C-suite has reached its highest ever at 28%, up from 17% in 2015.

2] Ambition and Flexibility : Contrary to common myths, women remain highly ambitious and resilient. About 80% of women want to be promoted, and flexible work arrangements fuel this ambition.

3] Preferred Work Model : About 90% of women prefer hybrid work models for better work-life balance. 

4] Labor Force : Globally, women’s participation in the labour force remains at 47%, compared to 74% for men. 

5] Attrition Rate : The attrition rate for women remains higher than for men, with 1 in 4 women considering leaving their current jobs due to insufficient support and burnout. 

For relevant insights and hiring needs, follow AideWiser now! 

What are your views about the current status of the female workforce in the world? Let us know in the comments! 

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Why is Technology expected to cut more jobs for women than men?

Will the rapid automation boom hit the job market specifically targeting female workers? Why are experts predicting a deeper job loss impact on women? Let's solve this puzzle with an insightful view!

Jobs traditionally performed by females such as administrative roles, customer service, and retails positions are more susceptible to automation. These roles involve routine tasks that artificial intelligence and robots can perform efficiently. Additionally, women are underrepresented in STEM fields, which are less likely to be automated and often drive technological innovation. This imbalance leaves many women vulnerable to job displacement without equivalent opportunities for retraining or advancement in tech-dominated sectors.

In order to address this disparity, policies and initiatives must focus on inclusive education, reskilling programs and fostering balanced representation of females as well as males in every field. 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

What are your views about addressing this disparity affecting females? Let us know in the comments!

Sunday 18 August 2024

What are the biggest challenges in recruitment?

Despite plenty of resources and availability of advanced technology, why is recruitment still a challenging task? To conclude the recruitment difficulty, let's take a look at 5 major challenges in recruitment!! 

1] Matching Qualifications : With specific skills in high demand, sourcing candidates with the right qualifications can be tough.

2] Time-Consuming Process : Recruitment involves multiple steps, from sourcing and screening to interviewing and onboarding, which can be lengthy and resource-intensive.

3] Competitive Field : Companies often compete for top talent, making it difficult to attract and retain the best candidates.

4] Cultural Fit : Finding a candidate who aligns with company culture is extremely difficult as it goes beyond skills and experience. 

5] Technological Integration : Leveraging advanced recruitment tools and platforms requires adaptability and can be costly affecting the recruitment budget. 

Passing through these hurdles with effective strategies can make you the modern day recruitment wizard! 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

What are other challenges you face in recruitment? Let us know in the comments! 

Thursday 15 August 2024

Is the Finance Sector at Risk because of AI?

With AI's diverse potential, will the finance sector touch new heights or crash to the bottom? The chaos rises as the finance sector may face opportunities as well as risks due to the boom of AI. We will simplify this complication for you with an insightful view! 

One one hand, AI promises enhanced data analysis, predictive accuracy and operational efficiency transforming everything from trading algorithms to customer service. On the other hand, cyber security threats loom larger as AI can be weaponized for hazardous financial frauds. 

Furthermore, the rapid automation of the process poses a significant employment challenge, potentially leading to economic disparities. Regulatory frameworks struggle to keep pace with AI's swift evolution, raising concerns about ethical use and accountability. 

Even if AI holds immense potential to drive innovation, it necessitates vigilant oversight to mitigate associated risks. 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

Do you think the finance sector is at risk because of AI? Let us know in the comments! 

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Which Job Opportunities will be generated by AI?

AI will surely eliminate a few jobs but are you curious to explore the kind of opportunities that AI will generate? Let's discover!! 

1] AI Specialists : These experts design and develop AI systems, working on algorithms and models that power applications in healthcare, finance, etc. 

2] AI Ethicists : These professionals tackle ethical dilemmas, ensuring AI systems are fair, transparent, and unbiased.

3] AI Trainers : These individuals train AI models using labeled datasets to help machines understand human language.

4] Data Analysts : With AI generating vast amounts of data, skilled analysts are needed to interpret and leverage this data for strategic decision-making.

5] AI Maintenance Engineers : As AI systems become integral to operations, these engineers will be needed to maintain and troubleshoot AI infrastructure to ensure better user experience. 

Dive into these fields to conquer the future of job market! 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

What are your views about these professions? Let us know in the comments!

Sunday 11 August 2024

Why is AI the biggest threat to freelancers?

Does AI's progress pose the biggest threat to freelancers? Check these 3 examples of the probable ways in which AI tools can affect the freelancers! 

1] Job Displacement : Freelancers in fields such as writing, graphic designing, and data entry face the risk of being replaced by AI-driven tools that can generate content, create designs, and process data faster and more cost-effectively.

2] Market Saturation : Rise of AI powered tools has increased the competition as it has potential to produce quality work at a fraction of cost, significantly driving down prices and making it harder for freelancers to demand competitive rates. 

3] Skill Obsolescence : Moving forward in the future, freelancers will need to upgrade their skills in order to stay relevant in the presence of skillful AI tools. 

Stay ahead of AI advancements to remain competitive and relevant in the corporate world!! 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

Do you think AI is a threat to freelancers? Let us know in the comments! 

Thursday 8 August 2024

What could be AI's impact on Future Employment? (Experts Views)

Will AI be your next competitor in the job race? AI's invention in the corporate world has sparked concerns about the future of employment. But what do experts say? Let's take a look at experts' views! 

Tech Billionaire, Elon Musk states that artificial intelligence will eventually eliminate all jobs, but he believes this is not necessarily a bad development. Similarly, Nvidia CEO expressed concern about the possibility of coders being replaced by AI in the future. Infosys executive Satish H.C also predicted that AI will definitely lead to fewer jobs in future by replacing manual labour in traditional roles. 

Altogether, if we take into consideration diverse views, the conclusion that comes out is quite common and it reiterates that ultimately AI will hit the job market replacing a decent part of the workforce by enhancing work efficiency. 

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

What are your views about AI's impact on the job market in the future? Let us know in the comments!

Tuesday 6 August 2024

How can the use of big data enhance recruitment?

Are you still searching ways to increase the accuracy of your recruitment game? Let us reveal tha big data magic that can transform your talent hunt overnight! 

Big data refers to insights and stats that can be used to analyse information about candidates. By analysing vast datasets, companies can identify the best candidates faster. Resumes, social media profiles, and online activity offer insights into skills, experiences, and cultural fit, enabling recruiters to make data-driven decisions. Predictive analytics helps forecast a candidate's success and tenure based on past hiring patterns and performance metrics. Additionally, big data streamlines the screening process by automating the identification of top talent, reducing bias, and ensuring a diverse pool of applicants. 

Ultimately, big data transforms recruitment into a more strategic, informed, and equitable process, benefiting both employers and job seekers by matching the right talent with the right opportunities.

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

How's your experience with data analytics for recruitment? Let us know in the comments!!

Sunday 4 August 2024

What is Employer Value Proposition (EVP)?

Employer Value Proposition (EVP) is the unique set of offerings and benefits that an organisation provides to attract, engage, and retain top talent. It portrays the tangible and intangible rewards, opportunities, and culture that make an employer distinctive and appealing to prospective and current employees.

An attractive EVP communicates why individuals should choose to work for a particular company over others. This could include competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits packages, career development opportunities, work-life balance initiatives, a positive work environment, and a strong company culture aligned with personal values. Crafting an effective EVP involves understanding the needs and aspirations of target talent demographics and aligning organisational values with employee expectations. It serves as a powerful tool for talent acquisition and retention, fostering employee loyalty and engagement while enhancing employer branding and reputation in the competitive job market.

Ultimately, a well-defined EVP contributes to building a talented, motivated, and committed workforce, driving organisational success.

What are your views about EVP? Let us know in the comments!

Thursday 1 August 2024

Impact of Job Shadowing in Recruitment!

As a candidate, how would you feel if you get a glimpse of the role you will play in the organisation? It sounds like a fantasy but it's possible with the phenomena of Job Shadowing! But what is its impact on the candidates and employers? Let's find out! 

Job shadowing is a powerful tool in the recruitment process, offering a unique, immersive experience that benefits both employers and prospective employees. By allowing candidates to observe a typical day in the role they are applying for, companies can provide a realistic job preview fostering utmost transparency and probability of finding the right match. Employers, in turn, gain a deeper understanding of a candidate’s potential beyond what resumes and interviews reveal. 

Overall, job shadowing fosters better matches between candidates and roles, leading to higher job satisfaction and long-term retention, making it a win-win in recruitment.

Leave your recruitment needs to us, contact AideWiser to hire the best!

What's your view about this interesting concept? Let us know in the comments!