Tuesday 30 May 2023

Vendor empanelment! Streamlining partnerships for efficient hiring

Vendor empanelment; This term sounds interesting right!

In the context of hiring and recruitment, the process of choosing and enrolling outside vendors or suppliers to offer recruitment services to an organisation is referred to as vendor empanelment. Companies may decide to collaborate with outside agencies or vendors that specialise in talent acquisition rather than carrying out all recruitment processes internally.

When it comes to recruitment, vendor empanelments can be critical for gaining access to a large pool of candidates, specialised services, and building professional networks. It is critical to establish solid ties with vendors in order to achieve seamless operations and excellent recruitment outcomes.

A vendor who cultivates good relationships with candidates can attract top talent and keep them engaged throughout the recruiting process. Similarly, providers who cultivate strong client connections can better understand their employment requirements and provide specialised solutions.

A strong professional network enables the clients to easily obtain excellent personnel, including passive applicants who may not be actively looking for work.

By taking these aspects into account, you can select vendors with strong professional networks and relationship-building abilities, resulting in effective vendor empanelments for hiring and recruitment.
And yes, don't forget, Recruitment Matlab AideWiser!

Sunday 28 May 2023

Social Media And AI! The modern approach to hiring and recruiting

Discovering new opportunities and embracing the diversity of the online world can be difficult, but social media has a solution.

Social networking platforms have evolved into significant resources for job seekers, providing numerous avenues for connecting with potential companies and finding career prospects. Many social media platforms have built-in job posting tools that allow businesses to advertise job openings directly on the site. Users can search through these listings, apply for employment, and even receive notifications when new job opportunities become available. Professionals can use these platforms to interact, network, and demonstrate their skills and expertise.

Apart from social media, AI also plays some part in finding jobs. Advanced algorithms are used by AI-powered job search services to increase search functionality and filter job postings based on specified criteria. AI algorithms can sift through massive volumes of data to discover hiring trends such as in-demand skills, developing job roles, and market demands.

Remember, during the job search process, it is critical to use social media carefully, ensuring that your profiles and interactions correspond with your professional goals. Maintaining a professional and respectful online presence is critical, since potential employers frequently evaluate candidates' social media profiles to determine their appropriateness for a position.

Thursday 25 May 2023

Internal Job Posting! A strategy for maximising internal opportunities

Do you wish to investigate new career options with your company? Search no further, an internal job posting will suffice.

Internal job posting, this word directly means to promote opportunities and allows internal mobility inside an organisation.

They are a useful tool for retaining and engaging employees as well as for employee development. They help in learning about the strategic goals, talent development programmes, and workforce planning of the company.

Making sure staff members are aware of the procedure for submitting applications for internal positions, including where to find job ads, and what qualifications are required, is necessary.

Cultivate enduring connections with departmental hiring managers by working along with them. Internal applicants should be treated with the same fairness and objectivity as external candidates.

Remember, internal job posting not only benefits the organisation by using existing talent, but it also generates an environment of employee growth, engagement, and loyalty.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

Consultancy! An Expert Guidance for productive hiring!

Consultancy, a professional service performed by recruitment consultants or agencies to help organisations locate and hire the best applicants for job openings. Companies are turning to recruiting consultants to assist them locate the finest candidates for unfilled positions as the employment market grows increasingly competitive. Recruitment consultants are critical in matching qualified job seekers with organisations looking to hire.

A excellent consultant delivers an objective, new perspective without regard for what others in the organisation may think about the results and how they were obtained. They are continually on the lookout for new clients, businesses, and individuals that might benefit from their experience and services.

When looking for a hiring and recruitment consultant, evaluate their skills, industry experience, track record, and client testimonials to ensure they are a good fit for your company's needs and goals.

And for any queries, Aidewiser hai na!

Recruitment Matlab Aidewiser!

Sunday 21 May 2023

Job Portals! Ideal spot to find jobs from comfort of your home.

Jobseekers and potential employers can connect online through platforms called job portals, commonly referred to as job boards or employment websites. These websites act as a single clearinghouse for employment opportunities, enabling both employers to post job vacancies and job seekers to look for and apply for positions.

The ability for job seekers to identify and access numerous opportunities in one location is made possible by the consolidation of job postings from various sources by job portals. Job portals offer a comprehensive database of job openings, saving time and effort compared to visiting individual firm websites or relying on newspaper adverts. Job portals offer sophisticated search capabilities that let users filter job listings based on details like location, industry, job type, and keywords.

Many job portals provide networking tools so that job searchers can get in touch with experts and recruiters in their industry. This networking ability offers chances to establish professional ties, get mentorship, and widen one's professional network.

Lastly, job portals offer a practical, effective, and accessible platform for connecting companies and job seekers and streamlining the hiring procedure. Famous job sites include Naukri, Monster, Shine, and Indeed.

Thursday 18 May 2023

Employment Exchange! A hub that bridges the gap between job seekers and employers

Employment exchanges, also known as job centres  are government-sponsored or privately managed organisations that aid in the recruiting and placement process. These exchanges act as go-betweens for job seekers and companies, connecting those looking for work with open positions.  They have a database of job openings from numerous firms in various sectors and industries. Job searchers can view and apply for available vacancies on the exchange's website.

Job seekers can register with the employment exchange by giving personal information, educational qualifications, skills, and job preferences. Employment exchanges also assist firms in understanding their employment requirements and matching them with qualified candidates. 

Lastly, It is crucial to note that the specific services and processes provided by job exchanges may differ from country to country or even between regions of the same country. Regulations, policies, and available resources can all have an impact on how these exchanges work and how effective they are.

If you're seeking for work, take advantage of the opportunity by getting in touch with your local employment agency.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Job Posting! One step closer to finding your suitable candidate

Have you ever thought of  how do businesses inform others about their employment openings? It's none other than by job posting.

Employers or recruiters generate job listings as advertising to list open positions within their organisation.The job title, job description, necessary skills, duties, expected compensation, and application procedure are all frequently included in job postings. The goal of job listings is to draw in suitable applicants who are eager to work for the company and meet the position requirements. By sending in their resume, cover letter, and any further documents requested by the company, job seekers can apply to these positions.

Starting with one of the most traditional and trusted means of media, The print media such as newspapers, pamphlets, brochures etc are an effective way for attracting individuals who might not be actively looking for work online and for reaching a large audience. In more rural or distant places, not everyone has access to the internet or a computer. A more accessible option for job seekers to look for openings is through print media.

 But is print media the only way to reach the job seekers? Not really.
 Stay tuned for additional information.

Sunday 14 May 2023

Job Description! A guideline to simplify hiring process

Job description, the word itself sounds quite well built. In simple words, it is a written document that explains a certain position's duties, responsibilities, and criteria. It is a crucial tool for both employers and employees since it helps to ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them.

The ideal candidates for the role may be drawn in by a compelling job description. It gives prospective employees a clear image of the responsibilities of the position and the training and experience needed for it.

The obligations and specifications of a specific job are succinctly and clearly laid forth in a job description. Employers can create training plans that are customised to the needs of the individual by determining the precise knowledge and skills needed to do the job successfully.

This was all about why job description is required but the real question still remains unanswered. What all should be included in a job description?

Job description should include all of the following:

Job title


Job purpose


Skills and experience

Responsibilities and duties

Working conditions

Compensation and benefits

Company culture

Application instructions

Closing Date

Interview Process

Hope this helps!

Thursday 11 May 2023

Employee Reference! A much needed recommendation

 Employee Reference - A term that means a declaration or evaluation made by a former employer regarding a current or former employee's performance at work, character, and credentials. An employee reference is used to assist prospective employers in making well-informed hiring decisions.References can also provide details about a candidate's moral character, such as their reliability, credibility, honesty. 

For positions that demand a high degree of trust or involve handling sensitive information, this can be particularly crucial.  Employee references can help the hiring process be more efficient by giving a quick approach to screen applicants and acquire more data.Potential employers can lower the risk of employing a candidate who might not be a good match for the position or who might have a history of bad behaviour by verifying references. In the long run, this can assist prevent expensive turnover and legal problems.

In conclusion, employee recommendations can be a useful tool for businesses in making knowledgeable recruiting decisions and ensuring that they are employing competent, reliable people who are a good fit for their organisation.

Tuesday 9 May 2023

A Pro Tip: Internal Hiring! The goldmine of trusted and trained candidates.

Internal hiring is the practise of filling job gaps within a firm by promoting or transferring existing employees rather than employing new individuals from outside the organisation. Internal hiring has various advantages, including lower recruitment costs, shorter hiring schedules, and increased employee morale and retention.

But why do companies opt for internal recruitment?

Initially, companies hunt for qualified people to fill open positions. After a given period, the hiring process begins, and candidates are hired. Companies prefer to hire from within if a given industry is short on candidates. This is quite beneficial in numerous ways.

Internal recruiting strategies must ensure that roles are easily available to qualified internal applicants and that recruiters are aware of these talent pools in order for recruiting teams to successfully recruit internal candidates.  

Overall, employees who are expanding their abilities through training, whether on their own or by learning from others, can provide qualified talent for available roles within a workforce.

Sunday 7 May 2023

Budgeting For Recruitment And Hiring!

Allocating money for the various costs connected with the recruiting and recruitment process is part of the budgeting process. This entails posting job openings, screening applicants, conducting interviews, running background checks, and onboarding new employees.

The spending plan for hiring and recruiting may include cover costs for employee referral programmes, job fairs, and headhunters or recruitment firms. It might also pay for benefits for new recruits as well as costs for training and relocation.

The terms "on payroll" and "off payroll" refer to how an employee is paid and the associated tax consequences. The employment and recruitment process may also be affected. When someone is described as being "on payroll," it means that they are either a full- or part-time employee of the business. Regular payments and perks like health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off are provided to these workers. Off payroll refers to those who are not employed by the company, such as independent contractors, consultants, or freelancers. These people must pay their own taxes and are not entitled to the same perks as workers.

Overall, organisations can identify the kind of person they require for a certain function by understanding the distinction between on payroll and off payroll when it comes to hiring and recruitment.

Friday 5 May 2023

Analysis of Hiring Needs!

The first and most important stage in ensuring a smooth and error-free hiring procedure is to carry out the process in a methodical manner. As a corporation, it is critical to understand what kind of criteria we needed in the organisation. To examine vacancies in the organisation, one must first look through all of the sectors and then segragate those that require some form of employment.

Finding a good applicant and achieving both short- and long-term company goals are made easier when recruiters are aware of the real requirements for hiring.

A company's favourable outcome, financial benefits, and reputation are largely determined by its personnel and their abilities. 
As a result, the hiring team or company must identify their recruitment needs in a timely and precise manner.It is critical to review and research the actual employment needs on a regular basis. Before you begin recruiting, make a list of all the facts, priorities, goals, aspirations, and potential problems.
Eventually, analysing a vacancy entails reviewing the job's criteria and identifying the skills, experience, and qualifications required for success.

Monday 1 May 2023

Window shopping of jobs: Offer shopping!

Offer shopping, though the term in itself is not self-explanatory but it precisely means that it is the practice of conducting numerous interviews to find the best job offer and then using that offer to demand a rise in the current job, make a switch, or bargain with prospective new employers. While we indulge more into this, there is actually a broad perspective associated with it.

When we go for shopping, it is a cognitive human behavior to actually go through a lot of options and then deciding the best one amongst them. Likewise, a candidate can try out a couple of different options before applying for any particular job. They want to take their time, figure out pros and cons of each job opportunity and then make a call according to their requirements.

Candidates typically use this opportunity to gain confidence for future interviews or to get better employment. When a recruiter spends many hours shortlisting the top candidates and scheduling interviews, it becomes a nightmare when candidates waste their time and have no intention of joining the organization.

As an ending note, when a candidate shop offers, everyone around him suffers. Time, effort, money, resources and trust – all these factors take a backseat.