Friday, 11 November 2022

Should you pay for verified account a.k.a blue tick?

Well if you're planning to pay for getting your account verified, this blog will assist you whether you should or not.

If you are a celebrity then definitely you should get your account verified but what if you are not a celebrity? Should you still go for blue tick or account verification?

And the answer is Yes, you should definitely go for account verification if you own a unique business and you want to be a leading organization, you should go for verification by paying.

What will be your benefit in the above process?

1) Your Account will have a blue tick behind its name.

2) People rely on verified accounts.

3) It boosts your Engagement and reach too.

You are getting all the above benefits just by getting your account verified, so you should definitely be going for account verification even if it is in paid form because it will make you a genuine leader.