Tuesday, 11 April 2023

Notice period : a fact; not myth

When it comes to leaving a job, serving a notice period is often a requirement. It is a professional courtesy that allows your employer to find a replacement and transition your workload smoothly.

Serving a notice period is a contractual obligation. Failing to fulfil this obligation could lead to legal consequences and damage your professional reputation. If you breach your agreed contract, your employer may withhold your salary, bonuses, or any other benefits.

Secondly, serving a notice period is a professional courtesy. This helps maintain a positive relationship and may even lead to a positive reference in the future. It is a chance to tie up loose ends.

Serving the notice period reflects your commitment to your work as well as your professionalism and integrity. By fulfilling your notice period, you demonstrate that you are a reliable and trustworthy employee.

Some employees may view the notice period as unnecessary. However, leaving without serving a notice period may create an unfavourable impression on your resume and affect your future job prospects.

Respect is a two-way thing, you get it only when you show it.