Friday 13 January 2023

Don’t wait for the Talent war to reach your company!!

Employee’s expectations for their career and the companies they work with, have been changed post the Global Pandemic. As ‘job hopping’ is trending in new generation, retaining good employees is challenging for the companies, which in turn is causing a talent war. For employee retention, employers must recreate a workplace environment where growth and fun go hand in hand. Here are a few tips to follow to win the talent war. 
  • A healthy Work life Balance is the new personal priority of the employees: Global pandemic has changed the work culture drastically. There were no boundaries for the working hours during the pandemic. Due to which employees attitude changed towards their work or company. To provide work life balance to the employee always remember, employee is a human being and not a machine. Even if your organisation is working in hybrid model, work timetable should not intrude into the personal timetable. The delivery deadlines should be more realistic and achievable within the working hours of the employee. 
  • Rethink on talent acquisition and retention strategies: Pre-pandemic strategies will not work post pandemic as work culture has changed upside down.  Take help of recruiting vendors to lower the work stress on current employees for hiring. Establish communication with the exiting employees to understand their expectations. 
  • Redefine the company policies to make them more employee friendly: Ensure they benefit the employee and the company simultaneously. In stead of a one size fits all style of policy making, adopt a more flexible approach under which policies can be tailored to best suite the employee needs while maintaining the company profits.
Identifying loopholes in the systems or process pertaining to employees will help you to win the Talent War. 

Consider talent war as an actual war and design your winning strategy with us. We are here to help you with the entire process, from candidates on paper to candidates on your payroll.